How "holy" is our holy week?I often wonder about our lives and the rhythms and patterns we keep. Do we really look for what's important or do we just allow others to claim for us the important dates and times in our lives?
On the one hand we do usually celebrate one another's birthdays. This is an indication that we actually pay attention and care for one another and that there is more to life than ourselves.
On the other hand, how often do we buy cards, gifts, flowers, etc. only because someone tells us its a holiday?
I wonder about how we truly integrate the things that we claim as "important" or even "life changing" into our lives? For example, this week is commonly known as holy week. A celebration and re-telling of the story of Jesus Christ, his life, his death and his resurrection. If one claims to be formed by this Christ and to be attempting to follow him as much as possible, then shouldn't this be a really BIG DEAL in the rhythm of life? But how many of our churches don't even take the time to do another service on Friday or how many of us actually make some changes in our life rhythm for that week?
I'm not trying to guilt anyone into doing something they don't want to do or to guilt someone into going into a service they don't want to be a part of... there's enough guilt in our churches and teachings already. Perhaps what I am trying to do is raise the question about our pattern of life. If someone watched my life from afar, but watched it intently what would they think was important? Not important?
So I'm cringing as I write these questions realizing that TV would be pretty important, and perhaps family not as important as sending some emails and pushing the administrative junk through to make people happy.
I'm sure that's enough melancholy for the day for you all... but that's where I am today.
Tomorrow I'll publish some thoughts on Maundy Thursday (celebration of Last Supper) with some pics and links!