Thursday, May 19, 2005

Reading for the Soul

Someone asked me what books I might recommend for a youth pastor to read in regards to spiritual life and formation. A great question and sadly I didn't have a list already prepared, but I do now. I tried to keep is simple so that these could be worked through in a short time frame. Here is my list, but I would really love to hear any other suggestions by you all...

1. Job, Rueben P. and Norman Shawchuck. A Guide To Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants. The Upper Room, Nashville.
2. Groff, Kent Ira. Active Spirituality: a Guide for Seekers and Ministers. An Alban Institute Publication.
3. Nouwen, Henri J. (pretty much everything he’s written, but in particular…) The Way of the Heart. And The Wounded Healer.
4. Jones, Tony. Sacred Way and Soul Shaper. (But with some hesitation on this last one, because the content is great, but there is this danger in trying to replicate these things, or use them for youth ministry program instead of for self first. )
5. I’m also a huge fan of the desert fathers and mothers, but also am inclined to think that most of us could use a guide through some of it… so let me suggest just that – a spiritual director has been a blessing for me personally.

What I know from own life and journey is that I have nothing to offer except the Christ in me. If I cannot or do not cultivate that relationship and journey (with others especially), then I have nothing from which to serve and love.

1 comment:

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Thanks for the list, dude.

I have landed on Nouwen's stuff. Actually have read through "In the Name of Jesus" several times. I brought it along for my three day retreat in Richmond, and it helped shaped my time there.

Funny you should mention Tony Jones' "Shaper" because I've been making my way through that...

I think you forgot an important book that really guides most people to enlightenment. Many people have been touched by it's content and enlivening thoughts and meditations. It was written by some guy named Jack Handey. It's simply titled "Deep Thoughts". He has some other follow up books to further the journey and enhance times of solitude. You should check them out.