Monday, September 05, 2005

Jacob's Well

We have found a church we like a lot. It's called Jacob's Well. We started going there because the pastor, Tim Keel, and I have had some conversations at some events with Emergent. He is also on the board of directors for Emergent.

One of the thins that I have really loved so far about the church is their approach to children's ministry. Instead of operating out of the educational model only for kids, they are trying to operate out of a much more holistic method. They involve kids in the story, not just tell them story. Some times they'll be doing plays/dramas, sometimes they will be doing crafts, some times it will be just listening to the story. It's just great! I love that they are trying to value kids and their hearts for God and the expression that comes out of that. I wish we could teach more adults to value the same things!

I'm still searching out some outlets for teaching. Pray for me that way. Perhaps you blog readers will have a lot to put up with in the future.

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