Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday morning

I'm making waffles with Isaiah this morning and have a little bit in between batches. Also standing next to me is our new dog, Foster. He's a catahoula, a kind of cattle dog. So far he's working out okay as we get used to each other. He's seems to be pretty smart.

We have some extra time to sleep in and play on Sunday mornings as Jacob's Well has gone to three servies. This is first week and we're heading to the 11am service! I know they'd appreciate any and all prayers as they navigate this change and what it means for future.

I finished the Da Vinci Code last night. Overall its an interesting book of drama and mystery, but not so intrigued by its religious and historical assumptions. Perhaps I'm just jaded towards such revelations in a novel. If its intrigued you in some ways, I wouldn't mind hearing about it because I'm trying to figure out the imagination capture on some of this.

A quick cruise through some blogs this morning tells me that:
- Josh and our crew are still working through Donovan's book. There are some great places we're going there and would love to have some others weigh in so feel free.
- If you want some great reading my friend Mark has an exerpt from his soon to be published book up. It's great. Check it out and give some feedback. Also on his blog are some more specifics on the "order" they are trying to live. I think there are some wonderful things here that some of us could mine as we engage all types of peoples in this journey.
- I'm digging on Tom's post still, although its a little old (hint, hint). But I'm always pro-Jesus!


Josh Kleinfeld said...

I want to see a picture of the dog.

I agree on the Da Vinci Coderama. Fun story telling, but the theological implications aren't that intriguing...but when I was at the party with Aubrey last night, her professor was raving about the Code. And she was serious. How refreshing it was for her to here that Jesus might have been married. And then the conspiracy stuff really got her thinking.

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Oh yeah. I love waffles.

But one time I put a cup of salt in the batch, instead of a teaspoon.

Salty Waffles Suck!