Tuesday, May 02, 2006

power blog

Idaho - great - loved seeing and talking with Kipp and Sandy.
Ohio - great - loved seeing James, Tevis and my home-boy Jim.
Home - nothing like it. Brought gifts. Love my family.
Christianity Re-discovered - great conversation. Heating up with comments on twinkies, spam and child discipline!
Emerging - Tim Keel - good conversation. more later. Have in my hands McLaren's new book, "The Secret Message of Jesus" PRE-RELEASE!!! I'll be reading and commenting shortly. Also, have an extra copy to share with a friend - any creative bids?? :-)

1 comment:

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Yes. I have an ENC pen that doesn't work.

I can include as a bonus a can of white crown luncheon meat. nothing beats knock off SPAM.