Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Patience is hard

I'm starting to come out of my "funk" a bit and so I'm growing wrestless and therefore impatient and therefore annoying. My poor family. They have been so good through this whole thing. I just hope that it all is worth it in the end. The worst thing would be to go through surgery part 2 and find out it didn't really make a difference. Well, too late for that worrying at this point I suppose.

I'm looking forward to our services this week and am praying that God will use them to connect with people in incredible ways. If I can in any way bring someone to the realization that God wants the best life for them, and that he's willing to help them live it, then God's used me more than I could dream.

I totally don't get the oxicoten thing... Rush... celebrities... addicted to this drug? I hate it and can't wait for it to be gone. I can't really function that way. I guess they couldn't either, that's why they got in trouble, but I'm ready to think clearly and trust myself.

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