Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Slow Motion Potion

Ever get that feeling that you're just in slow motion? That's where I am right now. I can't seem to get things rolling, no matter how much I try. I'm trying to stay positive though, knowing that seasons come and go.

I don't know, perhaps the reality of summer schedule in youth ministry is coming crashing down on me so quickly that I feel like I need to hold on the very lost drop of spring before it all goes...

I'm getting ready for youth group tonight. Looks like all the Middle School and High School kids will be together tonight. That kind of changes what we do and how we do it. But it's always kind of cool to see everybody together.

Easter weekend was pretty good. The Maundy Thursday and Tenebrae services were good and powerful. God's story really is the best one. How great to encourage people to enjoy it, live it and love others! Easter services were full and pretty good here too. Because of my ankle I couldn't do as much "mingling" as I would have liked, but God used the conversations I did have.

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