Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sleep, Block party and Soccer

Whenever I leave home, there are two things that happen. It is a law of nature or something. I know that this is true because many others have experienced the same thing. For us it is that someone gets sick at home and that something happens with the car.

So I just got home from being away for a few days... Good news is that nothing happened to the vehicle. Bad news is that someone got sick. Jahred. But he's over it. But now Kate's got it. Fever. Etc.

So last night we were up with her. Trying to help her, drugs, etc. We also had big storms roll through with much thunder and lightning. Isaiah joined us in our bed. But no sleep for Carol or I. Isaiah is a machine though and was up bright and early ready to take on the world.

So I got up with him and let Carol sleep. Then I took the healthy ones to the block party at Jacob's Well. Fun stuff. Fire engines, moonbounces, facepainting, food and music. We had a good time.

Then when we got home we played some of Isaiah's favorite sport of late... soccer. He can do it pretty well and he loves it. (David Rebello is smiling somewhere!)

Also listened today to some Prarie Home Companion. If you aren't into Garrison Keillor, then you should be. He is the greatest storyteller in the world. If you aren't into public radio you also should be, but that is where you can usually catch him. I put up with the rest of the show - not that into the country, bluegrass scene - but he is just awesome. We preachers/teachers have much to learn from him!

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