Sunday, April 30, 2006

Happy Trails

Lots of things happening so I'll report quickly...

1) Our book discussion on Christianity Redicovered is continuing and I think is starting to get interesting and should sharpen up. You can join us or be a squatter here.

2) My tour of the Northwest (okay only Boise and Nampa, Idaho) is coming to a close as I type this. It has been a good visit. I have never been to this part of the country and so I enjoyed being here, being with the people and seeing some friends - like Mike and Sandy Kipp and family - that I hadn't seen in quite a while.

3) Which means I'm off to Ohio. I hope to hook up with Jim, James and Tevis at the least. If I'm lucky, I'll wear my Michigan hat, talk emerging church stuff, start a bunch of fights and leave! Actually I just hope to join a party, give a few gifts, tell a bunch of stories and make some friends. So if you're out there, give me shout and we'll hook up later Monday night.

4) Confessions of the day...
- I just picked up the Da Vinci Code and hope to knock it out on these lovely long flights.
- Idaho is beautiful, but doubt I could live there.
- I miss my family.
- Quote of the day that I also own, "At this point I had to make the humiliating admission that I did not know what the gospel was." (Vincent Donovan, "Christianity Rediscovered" pg. 24)

1 comment:

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Happy May Day! Brian!

Tell James hello if you get to see him.

And, I'm proud of you for getting the Code. You'll read it fast, I guarantee it.

When you coming home?