Sunday, July 30, 2006

Gutsy Faith

I just finished "Gutsy Faith" this weekend. I'm a bit behind on my reading, but am getting close to being caught up.

Here what I loved in my friend Jeff's book:
1) Stories - lots of stories. I love stories. I also loved that Jeff used lots of real life examples that we all can connect with. Nicely done.
2) Lots of Scripture - it seems to be a no brainer in a book about Christian faith, but a cursory look at what's on the shelves of most Christian book stores will prove otherwise. Jeff's use of Scripture every step of the way show his passion for connecting people with THE STORY as well as his passion for that Story in his own life.
3) Readability - it's an easy read, but not in a simple way. Gutsy Faith goes to some deep places, questioning some things that are core to our faith, but does it in a way that anyone can read.

Some things I thought could be better:
1) Overall layout - I just found myself wishing that the section headings were more helpful. The chapter titles were good, but in going back to reference something, the subheadings just didn't really reveal anything as to what was actually in that part of the text. Maybe just my opinion and maybe just being picky.
2) I wish Jeff would have brought the community piece in more. He seems to hint around at it quite a bit, but he never comes out and talks about the importance of the role of community in knowing God's will for your life. Maybe he doesn't value it, but I don't really think that fits with all that he calls us to.
3) A stronger connection between every chapter. As I mentioned above, I love that he used lots of stories, but perhaps there could have been one story that he continued to refer to which would pull everything together. Again, probably me being picky.

Overall, I really enjoyed the read and would recommend it to anyone. I especially think it would be helpful for people in transitions.

Good job Jeff!

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