Monday, October 09, 2006

Peace in the midst of Chaos

Wedding, family matters, sister's wedding and now I'm back. I've been gone so long and been so busy I'm not able to be at the Emergent Gathering and its tearing my guts out. If you know anyone blogging it, please pass it on. The schedule has been staggering and tiresome, so how have I maintained my sanity? How, you ask, do I keep my nose above water? I'm so glad you asked and I'll happily tell you in a few easy steps:

- Blogs: Andrew Jones has a couple great posts including this one for people interested in atonement theories and the emergent conversation. Linda has this post on emerging church myths... the second one is worth following the link.

- Events - hoping to get to the GOCN event here in KC and looking forward to the NTS emerging thing. see my older post for links.

- Listening - It has been my great privilege to be listening to "The Bible Experience". I first heard a glimpse from Mark-O at the DC of DCLA. It's dyn-o-mite! I love they way they've done it, I love being able to listen on my mp3 on the bus and I love the voices. Perhaps I'm just a geek, but as I said to a friend recently, "it's one of the ways I keep falling in love with God's Word".

1 comment:

Josh Kleinfeld said...

hey there friend.

good to have you back on this here thing.