Monday, November 27, 2006

Who do you trust???

If Europe is ahead of us in philosophy and religion, then we could very well be in "trouble". Check out this article on who the Swedes trust more than the church. I first was clued onto this by a friend at church who recommended Fark. Funny stuff... and troubling too.

1 comment:

M said...

Sad perhaps. But then again, why wouldn't they trust these other companies? IKEA offers them merchandise without demanding much in return. Volvo has proven itself in overall safety features. Please don't take these as analogies for any religious agenda; the point is that these others have proven themselves by their actions. What has the Church done for people? Honestly...what has it done?

Badgered them? Made them feel guilty? Offered them useless words, unproven, untested in the reality of life?

One of the few people from MD to remain my friend informed me this last week that the congregation where I served asked the largest recovery group, which met on Wednesday night, to leave. Apparently the church needed the fellowship hall on those nights. What does that say to people? That the Church is trustworthy? Or rather that the Church's agenda is more important than people?

How did this happen? I've been wodering. And yet I'm only catching glimpses of what "outsiders" have been seeing for some time. So is it really any wonder that people feel that IKEA has contributed more to their lives, their development, their survival as human beings? Is it really any surprise that they feel more have been done to enhance their lives through capitalism than through Christianity?

Make whatever argument you will for your Faith; defend the imperfections however you will; the point is still reflected in a doubting world. And if we cannot accept their point of view, then we will never offer anything more to them than pitiful excuses.