Monday, February 26, 2007

Chinese New Year Celebration

We went to a Chinese New Year Celebration on Saturday night with some great friends, Ed and Ansie Marquette. They are always so generous and so kind. They are also great people.

We took the whole family and had a great time. It was more of a performance celebrating the new year as the Chinese often do. The Chinese New Year is celebrated like Christmas is here in the States. There were a lot of dances and songs, great outfits and of course a little martial arts. Highlights from the kids were the butterfly dance (Kate), the lion dance (Meg), the Shaolin Shadow Boxing (Jahred) and the Sword demonstration (Isaiah).

There were some funny kid moments - Jahred leaned over and whispered to me that he had seen someone who "looked like they have Billy Bob teeth in"... but those were real teeth. To which I responded, "thanks for not saying that out loud... and thanks for telling me!"

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