Tuesday, May 10, 2005

From DC United to Mother's Day...

What a great 2 days. First, my good friend David Rebello took me to my first ever professional soccer match (Go DC United!). It was so great! For the first half we just chilled in our official seats. Then at half time we went and watched the Fan Club, Barra Brava, as they banged their drums and danced (and drank just a little beer). We just followed them down to their seats and had a great time singing and bouncing and watching the game a little too for the second half. I was amazed to see people so into the experience of the games. For some of them this was their community and their worship.

Then flash ahead to Sunday morning and there I am with a different large crowd in church. For some of them it was their community and their worship. As I preached on Mary's Magnificat (her song when she finds out she's pregnant), it was something for me to realize that while we may spend time worshipping and doing many things - none of them really last. As I explained on Sunday, Caesar is dead and gone, Herod is dead and gone, but Christ is not. Somehow that is the good news. That the love and hope that is found in following Christ is not just a fading glory, but a way of life that truly lasts.

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