Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Memorable Memorial Day

We went to our church Memorial day picnic yesterday. It was a beautiful day and lots of great folks there with good conversation. Jahred and I were going around the pond a looking at tadpoles. Jahred, being a 5 year old boy and all, was trying to catch them without falling in (which, no suprise happened a couple times). Warning: gross things ahead He eventually succeeded and then proceeded to squeeze the tadpole so hard that its guts came out its mouth. His comment was, "Dad! Look at how long its tongue is!" Awesome. I explained that its not good to kill everything you touch and that the "tongue" was actually its guts. Then we ate some dessert. Okay, first, we washed our hands. But how great is it to be a dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian!! I found your link off Sherri's blog. I've never heard of this blog stuff.
Anyways, it's good to catch up with you a little bit! It's been how long since I've last seen you in person?? I have no clue! Anyways, what a gross story, but yes, parenting is pretty cool. I'll be checking in on you now that I know about this!
