Friday, May 27, 2005

Relationships, Relationships, Relationships

I met this morning with my friend Tom Young. Wow! We've come a long way baby! When Tom and Becky started coming to Bel Air, we got to know them and heard their heart of young adults. They started to organize that group of people here and now they are just rolling! How cool! Tom gave me the low down on all they are planning for the summer and future. He also gave me the low down on the twins (hehehe, God is laughing somewhere...)

Tonight I'm going to a Baccalaureate service for one of our High Schools (the only one I was invited to). It will be interesting to hear how they dance the PC dance. It will also be interesting to talk with the other "clergymen" who will be there. I'm hoping to make some contacts in that way. Way too many alone people in ministry.

Spent some time earlier today reading through an interesting article from "Business Week" and emailing some friends my response to it... (they asked for it!) Here is the link. I'd love to hear any additional thoughts and then maybe I'll post some of my own.

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