Monday, July 25, 2005

Numb update

Well, we've returned from our mission trip to Elizabeth (awesome with lots of great moments, laughter, stories, gift giving and more) which I will update you on in the future. In the meantime click here for some pics.

We also have had our last service in Bel Air, which was really great and really sad too. We did celebrate though, all that God has done in our time there. He is so great! I'll update on that too this week sometime.

In the meantime I am sitting in a dark hotel room in St. Clairsville, Ohio as we are moving all of our things to our new home in Olathe, Kansas. Everyone is asleep and I'm catching up on a few emails and posts. Now it is my time to sleep too and so if you're checking in... good night and thanks for the prayers that have been said and will be said especially in these few days of travel.

God is awesome.

1 comment:

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Continuing the prayers.

Wow, you get to see the cool landscape of the mid-west on your way out there. I always loved the changes in scenery...although, I always found Ohio particularly boring. I've heard Ohio called the most useless state ever...but I don't think so. That's where my parents came from and I still have family there.

Hey, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Andrew Jones stuff. Maybe I can steal them...borrow them...nip them...something...