Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ruth and Boaz: 2

Here is another installment of the Ruth and Boaz thoughts I've been having. Mostly questions that this story has raised for me. I'm loving the dialogue that is coming out of this story from some of you. Let's keep it going. If you're new to the story check it out in the Bible. It's a short book from the tanakh (Old Testament), entitled Ruth.

- I find myself wondering how much of Boaz's compassion and ultimately his risk for Ruth comes from his own family. His own mother was Rahab (for more on her story check out Joshua 2 and 6).

- Do I remember my own story and what I've been "saved" from? What about my family's (using family loosely here) story?

- It's interesting that throughout Scriptures when God's people seem to go astray from his will and way it is tied closely to the loss of one generation telling the next generation the stories of God's faithfulness, holiness and love. A friend of mine contends that no one within the "established church" could be a true follower of Christ trying to live in his ways and bring his light. I wonder if it's even possible to keep the story alive and real and close to our hearts when we are part of an established system/organization? I also wonder if we've lost the story altogether - or at least the true meaining of the story, not a corrupted one?

- To drive that further - does my community/family ever really tell the story? Do we bother to "connect the dots" of the story throughout Scripture and history?


Josh Kleinfeld said...

My question is: did boaz have a middle name?

Josh Kleinfeld said...

No seriously, I think you're on to some things here, Brian. Esp, if you are going for this stuff to talk about how the church of old can help the newcoming church. I am more and more convinced that we have so much to learn from the people who came before us. Now, Leonard Sweet might disagree, but I think the people who have been in ministry have some things to teach me, even I think their methods are as outdated as Vanilla Ice.