Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ruth and Boaz- pt. 1

I'm sure I've written bits and pieces on this before, but I'm going to start some more specific thoughts on this story that has grabbed my by the lapels and pulled me close over the last 4-5 months. I'd love for people to offer questions, doubts, struggles, fears and "Brian that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard"'s. It would be great for conversational purposes if you wanted to read the book of Ruth found in the Bible.

Observation #1: Ruth chooses to stay with Naomi and go with Naomi back to here people. She even goes on to say, "Your people will be my people and your God will be my God."

Questions: What in Naomi's people made Ruth WANT to say, "your people will be my people" (Ruth was a different nationality)? What was in their story that made her want to be a part of it? What about Naomi's God made Ruth WANT to say, "your God my God"?

What in my life and my people would make people want to be a part of us?

What have I and do I reveal about my God that would make people want to know him? Claim him?

I believe that most of people's questions of spirituality and faith are questions of trust. "Can I trust him? Can I trust what he's saying? That he has my best interest at heart and not his own?" Am I trustworthy enough for anyone to want to follow me, listen to me, trust me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ruth is from Moab, which a footnote in my Bible says Moab and Israel were enemies. But why Ruth would go with Naomi is a really good question. Naomi feels she has disgraced God and he is bitter to her (later wanting to be called Mara because of that) so why would Ruth want a part of a bitter God? But I could be wrong.