Saturday, June 10, 2006

Something's a little fishy

This morning Meg and Jahred and I went to a kids fishing derby. It was a good time. There were a lot of people and some free stuff. It was our first time fishing this year. After many minutes of intense struggle and some fantastic coaching by her dad, Meg realed in three fish (all about 4 inches long), actually small mouth bass to be precise. Jahred went oh-for, but he did manage to lose two hooks and a bobber... and have an overall good time.

In other news, many of you know of my ties to the emerging church. Some MAJOR controversy, even garnering an ABC news report, came up recently over an article. You can read the article here and the see the news report here. It's really worth looking into!


M said...

Wish I had the courage to show that much Jesus in my life.

Josh Kleinfeld said...

this is too funny.