Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!!! 2.0

We in the Hull house are doing well! We are all healthy and well. Here are some things we have been doing to prepare for Christmas:

- Went to Christmas Eve service tonight at The Well! Then, of course, had to stay for the "sugar rush" hour of hanging out and eating goodies!
- Lit our advent candles
- Been reading through bits of the Christmas story through a cool calendar/mini-book/ornament thing we have (you pull the appropriate mini-book out and read it together and then someone hangs it on the tree as an ornament). This is WAY cool for use with the kids!
- Talking about the Christmas story over meals
- Shared what things we were glad we have been able to give this year (i.e. able to share our time serving, able to give the gift of hospitality, etc)

Here are our plans for Christmas day:
- Sleep in!! (yeah right, but I thought I'd attempt it!)
- Share the Christmas story together
- Share gifts
- Play (kids) and sleep (parents)
- Have some friends over for Christmas dinner! (Ham, cheesy potato casserole, fresh made bread, pies, yes!)
- Thank God for another great day and for Jesus!


brad said...

merry christmas to you my friend. i've been a bit sick and we've been with family all day. going to watch a comedy and fall asleep (maybe even with the help of nyquil).

later man

Josh Kleinfeld said...

hey come over and see some pics of Cadence Joy!

Josh Kleinfeld said...

merry merry christmas!