Saturday, January 06, 2007


Carol and I have been in beautiful San Diego helping put on Sanctuary a retreat for youth pastors. It's a great event. Great people at the retreat. Great people we work with from Barefoot ministries and Point Loma Nazarene University.

It's great because so many youth pastors NEVER get time away to rest, restore and renew. It's great to be a part of letting them have that kind of experience.

This week was also a great reminder that ALL of us need to find the rhythm of rest and renewal... or we'll die spiritually.

So your homework this week is to find your pastor and/or associate pastor and look them in the eye, tell them you're praying for them, appreciate them and all they do, and then ask them if they are finding ways to rest, restore and renew. It's vital.

1 comment:

brad said...

hey man! i would have liked to be out there with everyone. however, i couldn't allow for it because of where it fell on my calendar. the good news is...i have a great lead pastor and a great steering committee that are committed to sabbath principles.

i will continue to pray that other churches will birth this scpritural practice for their pastors and laity.

