Thursday, April 05, 2007

On the road again...

I've been and will be on the road again...
- Just returned from St. Louis, lots of successful and good meetings. That's good!
- Also on that trip met up with some new friends from Lutheran Church Missouri synod. Terry and Mark are youth ministry guys over there. Good times freezing our keisters off at the Cardinals game.
- This week we have our big "speaker summit". We're brining all of our speakers for NYC in and spending two days going over everything, refining, fitting pieces together, etc. Please pray for this exciting time. Pray for God's unity in Spirit and purpose in the room as we try to make this a great event for the "kid in the seat"!
- Then its on to Oklahoma City to visit my friends at SNU.
- Then back to St. Louis.
- Then home to KC, but will be at MNU for a day
- Then to Nampa, Idaho and friends at NNU.

If anyone is reading from any of these spots and would like to meet up, give me a holla...

Traveling in my mind to...
- My friends at Adsideo in Portland. They are just up to some good things and my heart and prayers are with them lately.
- Emergent Theological Conversation in Philly - going to be great. Trying to find a way there.

In my heart God is...
- kicking my butt on this slavery issue.
- Heard some great sermons (especially last Sundays!) on slavery at the Well then saw Amazing Grace. God is up to something in me.

Working on...
- A paper and seminar on Missionary Ministry in the Model of Patrick: Raising up leaders amongst the bumps on our flat earth... or something like that.

1 comment:

Josh Kleinfeld said...

welcome back...

wish i could travel to the conversation in philly too...but there's too much else happening.

interested in hearing more about your article on st. patrick. i think you should do a field trip with your wife for the purposes of research.

also, will be praying for the speaker summit.