Sunday, April 17, 2005

Top 5 jobs I could never have:
(not jobs that I would be eliminated from because I'm a boy or anything, just jobs I could never do because I don't have the skill set, etc.)
5. Novel Author - I'm just too ADD
4. Professional Dancer - if you've seen an attempt - enough said
3. Dentist - Too many mouths and high pitched drill sounds
2. Treasurer - 2+2= 7 right?
1. Baseball manager - I just don't have what it takes - I'm not even sure what they do really... Posted by Hello


Josh Kleinfeld said...

Don't forget sumo wrestler.

We're missing you out here. I'm trying to put some of my thoughts on my blog if you want to see them...they're elementary...but they're thoughts...let me know what you think if you have time.

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Also, I don't think you could ever be a shower model for a dandruff shampoo commercial.

Thanks for your thoughts. I've found a buttload of Baptists out here. I met the guys from Jacob's Well (william something or other). They seem like pretty swell guys. Our conversation was interupted though by some rascal that I knew in college.