Friday, April 29, 2005

Touch me...

Well, that's the name of a children's museum we went to today. A bit odd, but a cool place none the less. It's all hands on with a highlight being a Mr. Roger's Neighborhood exhibit. You could even go in and try on his sweater and shoes. cool. After that it was off to Giggleberry Mountain located somewhere in the middle of nowhere. A cool place for kids though. very cool.

I had a "man I'm old" moment. They have all these tubes that you crawl through and run through - that is you run through them if you a little person - you crawl if you an adult. My son definitely thought more of my "powers" BEFORE tonight. Oh well, the illusion could only last so long anyway I suppose.

1 comment:

Josh Kleinfeld said...

I'll touch you.

I hope your email is working now.