Thursday, June 23, 2005

busy little bees

Wow have we been busy! Some quick highlights for Carol and the kids - swimming with my parents, the zoo, the children's museum, riding the train in the exhibit hall. I've been trying to learn as much as I can about events at the same time as connecting with people and doing delegate stuff (translation: sitting in meetings).

I've had a great time this week with Kevin Snow and I'm really realizing how much I'm going to miss my good friend from this district. He's just great to be around, great conversation and a great friend.

But the highlight of my week so far was an emergent conversation last night at The Ram. There were about 15 of us and we just spent some time discussing how emerging and postmodern issues effect us as Wesleyan/Nazarenes and what we can do to change some of how our church is responding. There was great conversation and I think a lot of us were really encouraged by the participation and the thoughts. We are realizing that we really need to do more of this and that we need to spend some time focusing on moving forward together so that we can accomplish some things. I'll spend some time on some of this sometime soon here on my blog.

What a great thing to be together and to worship and pray together with peoples from around the world!

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