Monday, June 13, 2005

Here we go...

There's this story about Abraham in the Bible where God calls this guy to follow him. "Where?" Abe asks. "Well start moving this way," God says. So he starts taking literal steps of faith.

The Hull family is going to be taking some steps of faith. I recently accepted a position as the program director for the Church of the Nazarene's "Nazarene Youth Conference" (NYC). It's an event that happens every four years for High School age kids from around the US and Canada. The next one's in 07. My job description: "Do NYC". We'll be moving to Kansas City at the end of July to begin anew.

Now a little on the why's and why not's:
1) We are doing this because we feel this is where God is calling us to go. Period. All other arguments, assessments, etc are just that "other" and aren't the real issue. When The Rabbi says "come," you follow.

2) I've already talked to some people about this, but I want to get it out in the open (probably and hopefully only this once). I am not looking to "move up the ladder" to "angle for a better job or position" or trying to some how become the almight "senior pastor" somewhere. I feel called to follow Jesus and that's what I'm trying to do.

3) I also want to say that I am not trying to get out of the position I'm serving in currently. This is not a run away. I feel so blessed (as does my whole family) to call Bel Air the community and Bel Air Nazarene our home. We have wonderful friends here. I have a great relationship with the church officially (as in staff, board, etc) and informally (as in we just like it).

I know a little of this seems defensive, and for that I apologize. I just want people to understand as best they can try or care to try, that we are still people trying to follow Jesus and walk in his way. It's the best way and the crazy, unpredictable, unsafe parts of it are some of the best.

Tomorrow a little on how we're doing... I think.


Josh Kleinfeld said...

I'm psyched to see how God is going to use you in this new place. You will be great for this. You will be missed, but you will be where God is leading you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian...that's awesome!!
I remember what a great time we all had when we went to NYC! (I've got a picture of you and I trying to unplug our ears by clearing our sinuses after we landed in Florida)
How fun to be planning it!!
I'm happy for you and the family!