Saturday, June 11, 2005

Tweak of last week

Tomorrow I'll be posting some updates on the Hull family that may be of interest. So stay tuned for that.

On to other things... (caution: gross stuff)

So last weekend we were on the road for many hours traveling to Indy and back (around 600 miles each way). Isaiah has had a bit of a cold and so he has had a lot of drainage. He starts gagging and coughing and sure enough throws up. Gross right. Not even close to the end though.

So then Jahred, who is sitting next to him, sees this is - is grossed out - and he starts yacking.

We pull off quickly, get everybody cleaned up and then about an hour later stop for some dinner at Bob Evans. Jahred gets out of the van, starts heading inside and then starts gagging. I pull him out of the lobby of the restaurant and back outside where he proceeds to vomit for about 5 minutes in the front flower beds of Bob Evans. To make matters even better, people started showing up and walking in - right by us!!! Now, I'm sure someday Jahred will track this down and kill me for sharing it, but that was just awesome.

I felt so bad for him and the people coming in. What do you say as they are walking past trying not to watch this 5 year old, puking in the flowers? "Hey. The food's great here! Don't let this bother you, it's not from the food."

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