Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween 2007

Went trick-or-treating tonight with the kids. Went well with lots of fun. The best part is that the kids just say whatever to the people giving them candy... "Hey! You only have socks on!" and, "You have birds and cats... those don't go together very well!"

Mark and Shirley Marvin came over and they both had on long straight black hair wigs. The kids didn't recognize them at all at first and tried to give them candy like they were trick or treaters. It was hilarious. Mark finally took his wig off and Isaiah said (after 10 minutes of him being in our house with the wig on), "Hey! How did you get here?" Quite funny.

Pray for us. We're just having some tough days lately.

1 comment:

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Brian. You're the man.

I wish I could have seen the kids all dressed up. Come over to my place. we've got tons of candy left over. we could probably survive a nuclear holocaust with all that we have...