Sunday, October 02, 2005

Joyce Meyers, some farming and a little mother-in-law

Tom Young keep your scalding email about my bad blogging to yourself. I'm back to it.

Thursday and Friday I was at Joyce Meyers' conference in St. Louis. Not as a participant/attendee, but as an observer. They were using a lot of the same facilities that we wiil be in 2007, so I was able to go and see it in action. It was very helpful.

But I know you don't care about that... here are the funny stories -
1) Actually printed on a brochure - "No men. No babies." I was actually stopped twice (despite my credentials) and told that to get in, I had to go see the special people.

2) 15,000 + women plus Brian = uncomfortable.

3) One woman actually said - "Hey! You're a guy!"

Saturday we went to see my uncle and aunt, and cousin, on their cattle farm in Iberia, Missouri. It was great. The kids got to run around, see cattle, and just be around good people. It was a lot of fun. Best line of the visit... Meg says, "Are those your cows?" My uncle says, "Yes they are. I understand you're going to be enjoying one of those this winter." Meg "........"

Today we met up with Carol's mom and a couple of her friends on their vacation at Osage Beach. It was a nice visit. A LOT of food. It really went well and was probably just the right amount of time.

Heard from my good friend David Rebello too. Word is out that he's up and posting from ljubljiana (loo-blee-on-ya), Slovenia. David is the man and we're praying for him and his continued time there.

If you're a Marylander and reading this... how about a call or email this week. We miss you guys.


M said...

Well, I'm no longer a Marylander, but I miss talking with you too, Bri.

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Well, I drove through MD once. Does that mean I can say "hey"?

Ha! You got to go to a Joyce Meyers conference. Did you get her autograph? I've got a book and football I'd like her to sign.

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Are you calling your mother in law "little"?

Josh Kleinfeld said...


I just got back from PS Retreat...missed you like crazy out there, man. And the conversations were excellent. Brian did a great job.

Anyway, it got me and Aubrey thinking...I put some of my thoughts down on my blog and am interested in hearing some of your thoughts...

You're a good man.
