Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Blog Drama

A lot of blog drama centered on Mark Driscoll's response to Brian McLaren. The latest updates are here. All in all, most people taking the issue and themselves too seriously. If you check the latest from McLaren make sure to scroll down and sort through the comments to find Driscoll's apology and question.

I have a friend who is on a drama fast. If there is any drama in it, then its gone. Tv shows. People. Music. Whatever. If it has drama its gone. That's how I'm feeling about this issue that's developed on the blog. I like the midrash on issues (which Driscoll is the king of - he just takes one side and loves to argue it). But I don't like the name calling, rash generalizations, assupmtions and unkind words. Good thing people who actually read this blog aren't like that (thanks both of you!).


Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with your blog, but if that friend of your can get a hold of David Phelps, tell her to tell him to give me a call. Just wanted to throw that out there.

much love

Tizz30 said...

A blast from the past with this comment.....I will give my opinion in a moment but I am horribly disappointed that there is no Blog on the Steelers. A wise ol friend once told me that "Hines Ward will be great someday!!"

Ok: The issue of homosexuality is uncomfortable. When people are uncomfortable they tend to get nervous and then they tend to overreact. People judge and they don't love when the Bible cleary states that it should be the other way around. Or they judge, feel remorse and then they love. For someone that is dealing with homosexuality, you might have lost them at judge and never had the time to love. Why do some men think it's "hot" when two girls kiss but find Brokeback Mountain appauling? The issue of homosexuality is a jumbled up mess in all of our minds. I would hope that if a gay couple started attending a church that the would feel all the love they could from that church. What happens in today's world in most cases, they are judged first. I just don't belive that is what God wants. That gay couple has to deal with God in the end and the choices they make.

Brian and Carol: I miss and love you both very much, Tizz

Check our Wayman Tisdale's BBQ Stand Blog if you get a chance.

M said...
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M said...

I'm with your friend, Bri. I'm not sure that I can take too much more of such drama without literally puking all over the screen. Fortunately, I have too much love and appreciation for my Mac to do such a thing.

I found it interesting that one guy insisted that the Gospel was going to be offensive to some and that we must not let that deter us from stating the truth. But then that naturally leads me to ask, Who's being most offended by the Gospel in this discussion? One could also ask the question, What is truth? But then, Jesus already answered that one, definitively if not clearly.