Monday, February 13, 2006

Taking the mouth to the Garage

Wisdom teeth out tomorrow. If this is my last post ever because I die or they accidentally to a frontal labotomy, I want to thank you all for hanging here from time to time.

If it's not the end for me... there could be some really interesting drugged up posts coming tomorrow. Stay tuned


Unknown said...

Percocet is a great thing...

Make sure you get enough....anthesia THIS TIME, and remember to Scream if you can feel the pain!

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Good luck at the grand surgery.

Say hello to a new world, a world inhabited by chipmunks (puffy cheeks) and addicts (swirliness and dizziness).

Hope you get to enjoy 24, because it's flippin' sweet.

M said...

Are you suggesting that the previous posts weren't written "under the influence"? 'Cause I can already see the world of Josh's chipmunks behind some of the previous conversations. (Picture the discussion on the Steelers performed by the voices of Chip and Dale.)