Friday, February 17, 2006

Cuz friends are friends forever...

No I'm not on drugs. No I will not ever use those words on purpose again.

A good friend stopped by my office today, Wes Buchanan. Wes's dad and I were on staff together in Bel Air when I first started there. Great family. Great guy. He seems to be doing well. We seem to share some kind of connection for not a ton of time spent together. This should make many of you worry for Wes.

Then my good friends from the Mid-Atlantic district are kickin' their Festival of Life this weekend. I'm missing them and the event. B-heezy Hancock is taking it to new levels this year. I think our friend Josh should be blogging it (hopefully with pics). [this is one of those times where you say something and hope it comes true]. Its at his church and all.


Josh Kleinfeld said...

I'll try to get some pictures...It was a great weekend, but hard to get pictures when I was the gopher. I have some kids who took pictures of the weekend. I'll get some from them...

We really missed you. Not the same without never really is...

Unknown said...

FOL was a blast...22 teens from Marley Particpated....all 22 are eligible for Regional FOL..

Just wish ENC would INVEST $50 per kid so the price would be lower...
High Attendance at Regional FOL = more students desiring to attend ENC... Just a tought...

I brought a non-church going student to District FOl and she won 1st place in vocal group.. SHE was excited and mom is appreciative the church offers events in which teens can use their talents...

Miss ya dude...
go to to see a pic...