Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Control is an issue

God is really working on me lately about how much I like to be in "control". It's all an illusion I know and I know that I should turn things over to him and let go, but knowing it in my head and doing it in my heart are two different things. I'm learning that he is preparing the way if I can just let go enough to enjoy it and allow it. I don't know where this comes from, but it is quite obvious to me right now and I'm not sure how to wade through it.

God has been working as only he can - through conversations, light and heavy, with friends, close and far, and with his leanings, clear and murky.

One of the passages read today at midday is from Exodus 14. It tells the story of Moses stretching out his hand, the sea parting, the Israelites fleeing the Egyptians on dry land and the water crashing down on the Egyptian army. God the God of faithfulness and freedom.

God help me to trust you as the deliverer and the one who brings freedom.

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