Friday, April 07, 2006

Spring time is here

Thunderstorms are rolling through the Kansas plains, baseball has started (anybody been to a game yet?), the weather is warming, I worked in my yard... and Easter is coming up.

I love Easter. I haven't always. I used to wonder why it was really that special. I knew about Easter. I knew the story. But I didn't really get it. Then I started reading about Jesus, his culture, his ways. I was blown away by all that was really going on at Easter, grasped by the Jewish festivals and their meaning and the ways they told the bigger story. Easter became more than just chocolate, dress-up clothes and church services. Easter became a movement to me. I hope Easter is moving you too these days.

If you don't know much about Easter, or if it bores you, or if you think its only about big breakfasts (Yeah Steelmans from Bel Air... you do a really good big breakfast!), then let me encourage you to research a little bit on the Passover, the Festival of Wheat, the Festival of First Fruits. Let me encourage you to connect one story to your story to the bigger story.

If this has intrigued you a bit and you'd like to hear more... let me know. Maybe I'll do a week long Easter week post blogoseries.


M said...

I loved Easter too when I was in ministry, but precisely because of the breakfast gathering. We would invite our friends from the recovery groups and the would come out in droves. Then we would celebrate another kind of communion - no less significant I thought - around the tables, laughing and joking and listening to their stories. We would follow that with a short time of singing and then a short little devotional that I hoped would be non-intrusive to their religious beliefs and then get right back to the communion. Always felt that God was there in the midst of those times.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian,

I got your call last night. When i was done listening to your voicemail I accidently hit the "delete" instead of the "save" option. I was going to call Ed or Ansie to get your number, but it was late and I didnt want to wake them up. Could you give me a call again or send me you number again.
later man.

Josh Kleinfeld said...

did you say that they had a festival of life...did they travel to Boston?

Man, I'm not sure about those Jews...