Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Trying to get fired...

Yesterday I went to a meeting. I went in trying to get fired. I was just going to say exactly what I thought was best and not really pay much mind to the fall out. So I did. I wasn't unkind or mean, but I was honest and wasn't afraid to tell the emperor that he had no clothes. And...

It was really well received. I told Carol when I got home, "God must really want us here, because today I tried to get fired and instead people loved it." Which means either I'm (a) going where God has gone before, or (b) getting really soft and am not controversial at all. I'm really hoping for option a, because if its b then "bummer". All this to say, where's my courage? I should have been saying these things all along with no fear. Not that I've been tip-toeing around trying not to get noticed. I just haven't been going to meetings and places where I could say those things.

God give me light to see where I should step and courage to open my mouth and the words to say when it opens.


M said...

Here here.

Josh Kleinfeld said...

i thought it was hear hear?

M said...

Here here...as it let it be with me also. :-)

James said...

Do it Brian. Go to those meetings and Do It. My context is different, but I have done that very thing recently in my neck of the woods... with similar results. The tendency is to lay back and live off that one conversation, but I have decided to keep sharing, keep revealing, keep being honest, so I did it again last night over the phone. We'll see.