Saturday, January 13, 2007

Crepes and Ice storms

Mark Scandrette has a great recipe for crepes on his blog! Thanks for sharing Mark!!! We used it this morning with our family... and then for lunch (cuz we had a lot of batter left over with only a half batch). It's an icy day here in KC with more sleet, snow and ice schedule over the duration of the weekend. We've run our errands (no - not panic filled toilet paper and milk buying) and so we're in for the rest of the day probably.

Quite a busy week for us. NYC had its adult registration deadline this week so we were flooded again with calls, emails, etc. It's all good though because we are glad to throw a really large week long party! While I definitely feel the clock ticking, I'm also getting more and more excited for the event, to see students and to just be in God's presence with that many friends.

We also had a little bug hit a couple of our kids for a day this past week. Couple that with some other family things and we've been scrambling this week. It's nice to lay low for a bit today with everyone.

We are also looking forward to Josh coming for a visit next week. Aubrey just had their baby and they are proud parents having a great and Godly time. While we would have LOVED to see Aubrey and Cadence, we also understand not wanting to travel much that soon. Hey Josh, quick point of reference... you (and all of us guys) look a lot better holding that baby than without:-)

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