Monday, January 15, 2007

Emerging Friends

I spent some good time today with some D. Min. students at seminary. I was part of a panel talking about the emerging church. Joining me were two handsome fellows who are far more intelligent and articulate than I: Sean Heston and Mike King. It was good conversation mostly (in my estimation and memory) centered around how a traditional (read "modern") church context continues to live out the gospel in a post-modern world. I loved the spirit in the room of grace in spite of some discomfort at times. It was great to see revolution happening in peace and grace, the way it should be and the way so many have prayed and dreamed for it like Martin Luther King. I know its not on the same level, but I want to say thanks for his commitment to reconcilation and his poetic and prophetic voice.

Sean, in case you don't know him, is the pastor of two churches at once - Faith church and University church. Both are in Lawrence, Kansas and one is 50 years old and the other he planted. He spends some time bringing those two together and some time with each separately. You can read more here.

Mike is the president of YouthFront and is on staff at Jacob's Well. He is a partner in the kingdom and in his love of Wesley.


brad said...


good stuff. exciting to hear that these conversations are being had. i've been reading a lot of stephen shields lately. he has a done some great work through next wave online mag,, and emergesque (his personal blog) in regards to safely navigating these waters of conflict resolution between the conservative evangelical and emerging movement. i love his humility and grace as he describes how these two camps can 'lean towards' each other while not losing themselves.

Josh Kleinfeld said...


can you TiVo 24 tonight?

It starts at 8.

If you can't, no worries...but we're going to have to have a DTR.

If you can, sweet.