Friday, March 24, 2006

Hoops, hoops and more hoops

I felt some obligation to blog on the event that many of us are spending time on (and plus I didn't want my last post of the day to be the big whine [see last post for details]).

The always present "they" say that companies have lost $3.8 billion of work from people to the NCAA tournament. I myself would never stoop so low as to proudly predict Villanova as the champion or state to my colleagues that the "cream always rises to the top" for the "Fighting Amish". I'm much too ethical for that.

By the way if you picked Bradley beyond round 2 and can prove it, let me know with proof and I'll give you mad props here. If you are one of the few who don't know or don't care about this at all I'd love to hear from you and your perspective on this oddity in our country for three weeks.

Speaking of tournament choices, I couldn't help but think of my friend Tiz who I talked to today as I was filling out my bracket. Tiz and Chris and I would always do this together in High School. Chris and I always ditched school on the tournament days and would roll back to his house and watch about 10 straight hours of hoops for 4 straight days and eat his dad's dynamite chilli that was just constantly simmering on the stove. Those were great days. I'm pretty sure that's a small piece of heaven right there.

1 comment:

Tizz30 said...

Great times back in the day!!! I still have issue working on the Thursday of the first round. I do usually take a two hour lunch or have an "off campus" meeting around 2pm for the rest of the day!!! Nova gets by BC and should make the final four. I have Texas beating UCONN was the championship. Will see?