Friday, March 24, 2006

What's wrong with me?

I know, I know, you all have answers to that question...

The doctor (you know the people with lots of education who regularly diagnose what's wrong with people and get paid lots of money for it) has figured out that I have an infection. To put it in technical medical terms, the antibiotic that I took when my wisdom tooth was pulled, cleaned out all the bacteria in my system except one... who was left to run wild, throw parties and do whatever he pleased. This apparently is not good for the body. (I know that might be a bit technical, but I hope you understand).

So worry no more, world. I am now on more drugs that should fix me right up... I hope.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am always on drugs....seems like bacteria is running wild around here as well..

Sad thing is...a parent informed me that percocet is VERY GOOD for me...