Friday, March 31, 2006

What is Gospel... continued

To add a bit to some of the conversation yesterday on "What is the Gospel?" I heard this question first formally proposed through some people with the Gospel and Our Culture Network. These are really great people up to really great things. The root of the question comes from the missiologist, Lesslie Newbigin.

All of this to ask again (and perhaps again, until I get some response) what is the gospel?

I'm in Nashvegas this weekend and had a great conversation with a new friend, Levi. God is great about bringing people my way to talk about these kinds of things and how it might be possible to ask these kinds of questions and still be a Nazarene.


M said...

In my pursuit of that answer, I think I first started coming to grips with what the Gospel is not; those things that we often confuse with Gospel (e.g. opinions, personal preferences, deficient imaginings) but must let go of if we are to allow such a powerful movement to take hold of us.

Josh Kleinfeld said...

the gospel means "good news" and do I have good news for you brian. check out me website and see the vehicle i might get for you.