Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Out of the mouths of babes

We were doing our weekly family lent time together and sharing things to pray for. Meg pipes up, "we should pray for kids who are slaves and aren't treated well." Her class at church had a visitor a month ago who had just returned from India where she had been a part of a relief effort there. The visitor shared with Meg's class about the children who are in prison, who are left behind, who are slaves. It has really stuck with Meg.

Meg says, "Dad, when I get money for my birthday, I'm going to use some of it to buy a kid or two and set them free." Jahred jumped in, "maybe my seven dollars could buy a slave to set free."

In that moment I saw and heard the heartbeat of Jesus in such a beautiful, faithful, and simple way.

God make our hearts, your heart.

We're going to do something. And our children shall lead us.

1 comment:

Josh Kleinfeld said...

Nice. Really. Nice.